After weeks of trying to reach out to the student body through social networks I decided to go back to the basics. I wanted to end the semester with interviews . I decided to make an announcement in my creative writing class asking people to be interviewed and have their photo taken to help with my blog and ongoing research project. Few people came forward at the end of class and the results varied. Many students said that they wear what they wear for comfort. Gnerally most students dress at Old Navy, H and M, Macy's and Outlets where thay can get discount clothes. Many of the students from the last group of students that I interviewed said that they do not spend much time preparing for class and the clothes that they wear to class do not reflect them. The student to the left described his current look as bad ass. He does not shop fro clothes based on ads and shops about every six months. The average price he spends on an outfit ranges from 100 to 200 dollars. A bit expensive for a college student. His wardrobe consists of mostly jeans and polo's and button up shirts. He spends about 5 minutes preparing for class and his outfits are motivated by his mood. The student defined fashion as a consumer culture and style is a personal expression. In addition, other students said that there is a difference between fashion and style answers varied from fashion is a trend that everyone follows but style is built from personality and mood to fashion is what is popular and what is in according to fashion magazines and run way shows for that season. There is a difference between fashion and style because style is personal, style is how you use fashion to reflect you. I found it interseting how male and female ideas of the comparison to fashion and style were very similar.
After interviewing what would be the last couple of the students for the semester many questions came to mind. Do people percieve others based on what they are wearing and could that be the reason why at Rutgers there are very few people if any that decide to step out of the box and be individuals in the way that they dress? After conducting this project I feel that I can conclude by saying yes. I always wondered why not just students people in general wear what they wear and why so many people tend to frown when they see some something different. Are we forced to believe that there is only a few ways of dressing and anything outside of that is wrong. During the entire semester I met one student who to me is the ideal of being an individual. She did not allow me to take her picture after I interviewed her but the way she dresses is very unique and different than what one might see on a typical day on a college campus. My challenge to you is to try something outside of what you normaly would wear together. Do not change your outfit once you are fully dressed because of fear of what other might say. If this semester has taught me anything it has taught me the importance of being an individual.